Personal Website

Roland Seib

Photo galleries, maps and links from Asia:
South, South East and East


                                                                                             Map of Asia here 
 Bild 22
On the hippie trail to Ladakh and on to
Nepal 1978 (photo: Mt. Everest)
84 photos

 Bild 84
On the roof of the world
Ladakh and Zanskar 2015,
98 photos

Bild 4 China and Tibet before capitalism
1986 (photo: Potala), 99 photos

Bild 61
present China, 2012, 66 photos

Bild 206
Thailand and Samui Island 1986
(photo: Lamai Beach), 72 photos

Bild 1      
Archaeological map of Pagan 1979 here

Pagan and Burma 1986, 27 photos

Bild 38 Inle Lake and Bagan, Myanmar 2002
24 photos

Bild 76
Map of Bagan 2013 here

Three years after the political opening,
Myanmar 2014
(photo: Kiss of the cobra)
125 photos

Bild 77
The Fascination of the Shwedagon Pagoda
19 photos

Bild 23
Archaeological map of Angkor here

Angkor, Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge
2001 and 2003 (photo: Phnom Penh),
 31 photos

Bild 69
Vietnam 2013 (photo: Ha Long Bay)
27 photos

Bild 333
Singapore (photo: rooftop pool)
27 photos

Bild 329
Bali 2005 and 2013
21 photos

Bild 59
Mining and the Philippines 2012
100 photos

Bild 24

Encounter with Fuji-san
(painting: Hokusai), 33 photos
Webcams for Mt. Fuji:

Bild 75
Hitsuzendō im Benediktushof
16 photos

Bild 25
present Japan 2008
(photo: Za-zen in Kyoto) 69 photos

Bild 26
The bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, 15 photos

The layout, photographs, and other contents on this Homepage are protected by copyright law.

© Roland Seib 2010-2024